Today , CREATE Save our Rice Campaign Organized its Annual Paddy Festival for 2023 at Kanchi kovil , Erode Dist This is the 17th year and the first one for this year. This event is jointly organized with Kanchi Kovil Lion’s Club and Erode Turmeric FPO. The focus of the event is connecting the consumers with organic farmers and thereby strengthen and address issues in marketing. Around 350 participants participated in the event. The seeds of 7 traditional paddy varieties like Mappillai samba, Seeraga Samba, Ratthasaali, Thuyamalli, Thang samba, have been distributed to 200 farmers. Exhibition stalls showcasing rare traditional Paddy varieties, sales of traditional vegetable seeds, traditional rice varieties, millets and value added products are attracted many visitors. Participants were provided organic lunch made from Thuyamalli and Mappaillai samba. Prof,Duraisingam, chairman of CREATE, Mr. Ponnanbalam, Managing Trustee of CREATE, Mr. Suresh kanna , project director, Dr. Karthikeyan were spoken.